
Welcome to Bus stops and Flip-flops! So nice of you to drop by.

Bus stops & Flip-flops is a travel blog written by Sandra and Geert. We write about our experiences traveling the world as a couple in our thirties (early thirties though, we still feel like we’re 29 year old youngsters…).


How did we get here?

She short answer is: we decided to quit our jobs and travel the world for a year.

We will embark on our epic adventure in February 2019 and plan to return to The Netherlands somewhere in February of 2020. The countries we’re planning to visit are New-Zealand, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Patagonia (the last one of course not being an actual country, but who’s judging?).

The idea of this blog started as a way to keep our friends and family up-to-date while we were away from home. But we got a little carried away and quickly decided to share our stories with the world.

If you want to read more about why we decided to quit our jobs to travel the world, check out this page where we introduce ourselves more thoroughly or read our blog post detailing our reasons for embarking on this epic adventure.

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