Cookie Statement

This website stores (third party) cookies on your device. We find it very important that you know which cookies our website uses and for which purposes they are used, because we want to guarantee both your privacy and our (commercial) interests as much as possible.

When you visit our website for the first time, a notice is shown explaining why we use cookies and how you can adjust your cookie settings. Below you will find more detailed information about the cookies that are used by and through our website.

What are cookies?

Websites use an array of handy techniques to increase the user-friendliness and to make the site as interesting as possible for every visitor. The best-known example of these techniques are cookies.

Cookies are small text files that are placed in the memory of your web browser when you visit a website. These files store information that the website can use to identify specific devices or web browsers. Some cookies only keep track of your actions during a specific browser session and are then deleted, while other cookies remain stored between sessions.

In addition to cookies, tags and scripts are also used by website holders or third parties – advertisers for example – who communicate via the website you visit. For convenience we will now use them together under the name “cookies”.

How do we use cookies?

We use functional cookies to ensure that this website functions properly, by for example reading your browser settings in order to optimally display our website on your screen.

We use analytical cookies to measure how visitors interact with our website, in order to determine which parts of the website are most interesting for our visitors. Statistics are generated from the information we collect. These statistics give us insight into how often our website is visited, where exactly visitors spend the most time, and so on. This enables us to make the structure, navigation and content of the website as user-friendly as possible for you.

We also allow a small handful of trusted third parties to insert their own cookies, such as our advertising and affiliate partners. We have made agreements with these parties on the use of cookies and applications. However, we do not have complete control over what the providers of these applications themselves do with the cookies when they read them out. For more information about these applications and how they deal with cookies, we refer you to the privacy statements of these parties. Please note that these can change regularly.

The use of cookies is safe. No personal information, such as a telephone number or an email address, can be derived from cookies. As a result, cookies can not be used for email and telemarketing campaigns.

Browser settings

If you do not want websites to place cookies on your computer, you can adjust your browser settings so that you get a warning before cookies are placed. You can also adjust the settings so that your browser refuses all cookies or only cookies from third parties. You can also delete the cookies that have already been placed. Note that you must adjust the settings separately for each browser and computer you use. Be aware that if you do not want cookies, we can no longer guarantee that our website will work properly.

Final remarks

We will occasionally have to adjust this information, because, for example, our website or the rules concerning cookies change. We may change the content of the statement without prior notice. You can consult this web page for the latest version.

If you have any questions and / or comments, please contact us at